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UNIEK! Amerikaanse vrouw bevalt van eeneiige vierling (foto’s)

Zo, dat was even schrikken voor een Amerikaans koppel. Een bezoekje aan de gynaecoloog gaf aan dat ze niet één, maar vier (!) baby’s verwachtte. Harrison, Hardy, Hudson en Henry zijn behoorlijk bijzonder, want een eeneiige vierling overkomt maar één op vijftien miljoen mensen.

Jenny en haar man Chris dachten dat ze in verwachting waren van één baby toen ze voor een echo naar de gynaecoloog gingen. “We waren zo zenuwachtig om ons baby’tje te zien”, schrijft Jenny in een Instagrambericht. “Ik weet nog dat ik dacht dat er misschien geen hartslag zou zijn. Maar onze gynaecologe zei meteen: ‘Oh, er is zeer zeker een hartslag, het is een tweeling… Nee lieverd, het is een drieling!’ Chris trok helemaal wit weg en ik begon te wenen!”

Medisch wonder

Uiteindelijk kwamen vier jongetjes na 28 weken gezond ter wereld. Het is heel uitzonderlijk dat identieke meerlingen op natuurlijke wijze verwekt worden. De vierling is dan ook een medisch wonder.


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Doing a little throwback Thursday to our first OB appointment. We were so nervous going in to see our little baby. I remember the emotions of thinking ok my body says I’m pregnant, but there might not be a heart beat. I accepted that and understood if that was the case God had a plan and we would keep on “not preventing” a pregnancy. I love my OB Dr. Lauren Murray, she had such a concerned look on her face when we started the sono. I said to her “oh no, there’s no  beat” her response “oh girl there’s a heart beat” no way “there are twins”…. “no honey y’all have triplets in here!” Cue Chris turning white and me crying! We were 10 weeks and 5 days with triplets! Her first case of naturally occurring triplets! Little did we all know what was coming! Today marks 25 weeks and 1 day. We have 7 weeks and 6 days to go until we meet our baby boys! All 4 of them!! Story to be continued….    #marrquads #themarrthemerrier #identicalquads #quadmom #highriskpregnancy #identicalboys #80fingersandtoes #pregnancyjourney #pregnancystory

Een bericht gedeeld door Jenny Marr (@themarrthemerrier) op


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Happy Easter from our family to yours! Our sweet little bunnies were made possible today with the help of a bunch of our amazing nurses today. Everyone stepped into get adorable pictures as quickly as possible so our little guys wouldn’t get cold. Our first family holiday together. Praise Jesus and his everlasting gift to us. We are an incredibly blessed family for so many reasons. The boys health is a praise we thank Him for everyday. Note: Yes our masks are off for a picture. It was quick and I’m pretty sure we didn’t breathe at all with them off. #themarrthemerrier #marrquads #nicunursesrock #quadgoals #preemiebunnies #babybunnies #babybirds #happyeaster #heisrisen @todayshow @todayparents

Een bericht gedeeld door Jenny Marr (@themarrthemerrier) op


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Born at 28 weeks and 4 days the Marr quads arrived on March 15th. It was 5 weeks earlier than we had expected, and I was so worried that we would spend such a long time in the hospital. We had the most amazing nurses and doctors during our NiCU and Special Care stay. We made friends that will last a lifetime. Having babies during a global pandemic has been quite the experience. Everyone at Texas Health Presbyterian Dallas made us and our babies top priority for care and safety. I only hope that one day I can hug each of them and say thank you. Thank you for getting our sweet preemie babies into the world safely, for believing in them that they could exceed all expectations of such preterm babies. We never heard bad news, we never really had to worry, we welcomed into the world 4 healthy incredible babies. And now after just under 2 months they are all home. Thank you everyone for your prayers and love during this time. Now onto the next adventure of having them home and raising them into wonderful little men. We hope you’ll all continue on this journey with us. My sweet first babe, Zeke, I promise you that we are done bringing home babies. You are going to be so busy helping take care of these baby birds. You’re already so curious and worried and it is just the sweetest thing. #marrquads #themarrthemerrier #quadsquad #quadgoals #quadboys #identicalquads #identicalboys #goodnews #somegoodnews #somegoodnewswithjohnkrasinski @johnkrasinski @somegoodnews #identicalquadrupletboys #nicunursesrock #globalpandemic #coronababies #brothers

Een bericht gedeeld door Jenny Marr (@themarrthemerrier) op

Het bericht UNIEK! Amerikaanse vrouw bevalt van eeneiige vierling (foto’s) verscheen eerst op Metro.



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